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Before you read this articleyou will need to know the following terms and definitions: 

Game(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A standalone version of Settlers of Catan, which can be played right out of the box without making additional purchases. There is only one standalone (base) game of Catan.
Expansion(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural.  An Catan game that cannot be played by itself. It must be used in conjunction with a standalone (base) game. The 5 & 6-player expansions are a good example of this.
Scenario(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A small set of playing pieces and instructions that can be added to normal Catan gameplay. It cannot be played by itself--it must be used in conjunction with a standalone (base) game. The "Oil Springs" scenario is a good example of this.
Variant(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A set of instructions for using the pieces from a Catan game or expansion in a new way. Most variants are fan-generated and require printing and cutting out new pieces.


Spread out the 29 World Wonder Cards next to the board, along with the marker tokens.

 Shuffle the Wonder Cards into a pile next to the board. Here is a Summary of the Various Powers, followed by a list of the various Wonders:

  • The Hanging Gardens: Based on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon—Originally made as a gift of a king to his homesick queen, these gardens housed tiers of lush plants and trees. It is hard to know which is more impressive, the engineering or the beauty. You will need access to many forests in order to collect the necessary plants.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Lumber resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 lumber resource card.
    • Renegade: This ability allows you to steal one resource from each building on the hex you move it to. This ability does not let you move the robber—it just changes what you can do with the robber when you do move it.  If one player has two buildings on a hex that you put the Renegade on, then you steal two cards from them.  If that same player has three buildings on a hex that you put the Renegade on, then you steal three cards from them.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Illustrious Walls: Based on the Walls of Babylon, specifically the Ishtar Gate—These walls were so immense that two chariots could pass by each other on top without slowing down. The served as the ultimate deterrent for would-be invaders, but the inner gates were known for their craftsmanship and adornment. Vast amounts of brick will be needed to construct this.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Brick resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Brick resource card.
    • Rout: Once per turn, this ability allows you to roll two dice after the production number has been resolved. If you roll a 6, 7, or 8, you may move the robber as if you played a Knight (soldier) Development Card.  Nobody discards if you roll a 7.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Gilded Statue: Based on the Statue of Zeus at Olympia—Made from a mix of ivory and gold, this statue was so lifelike that visitors swore it was about to stand up and walk away. Sheep were offered in sacrifice to this statue every day, especially when the god’s favor was sought.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Wool resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Wool resource card.
    • Tribute: Once per turn, this ability allows you to purchase development cards (from any deck) for 3 Wool resource cards or tokens. These Development Cards may not be played until your next turn, even if they are from the Barbarian Attack Deck.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Royal Mausoleum: Based on the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus—In honor of her late king, a queen invited artists from far and wide to create the best monument… no expenses spared. The tomb ended up as a grand art museum, but the influx of artists severely taxed the city’s grain supplies.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Grain resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Grain resource card.
    • Vault: This ability allows you to store up to 6 cards in the vault. These cards may not be stolen, and do not count against your personal supply limit.  They may not be traded with another player or the bank, and may not be used with harbors. If you remove cards from the Vault, you must use them immediately.  Not all cards must be withdrawn from the Vault at the same time.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Marble Temple: Based on the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus—Said to be the most beautiful of the wonders, dedicated to the goddess of the hunt. This temple was supported by the jewelry sales of local silversmiths, so a vast supply of ore will be needed to complete the temple.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Ore resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Ore resource card.
    • Salvage: Take back one resource card (not a token) from each purchase (trades excluded) you make. The resource cards are added back into your personal supply, but cannot be used again during the same turn your salvaged them.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Towering Colossus: Based on the Colossus of Rhodes—We don’t know if the Colossus really straddled the harbor, but we do know that it was over 30 meters high, inspiring awe from even the most grizzled of sailors. This Wonder will be sure to steal trade from all of the surrounding harbors.  The Colossus is not on water. It is on a land hex next to water, with a harbor. If the robber blocks that land hex, this Wonder cannot be upgraded.

    • Corsair: This ability is a one-time event. It allows you to move the robber to a harbor and place it on the harbor token.  Then, you may immediately steal one card from an opponent with an adjacent building.  The Corsair does not block trades using that harbor.  Instead, every time the harbor’s owner uses the harbor for a trade, you may capture 1 of the traded cards, before the remaining 1 or 2 cards go to the bank.  The Corsair may only steal resources, as the Harbors only apply to resources.  The Corsair may only steal resource cards, unless the affected trade is entirely composed of resource tokens, in which case the Corsair may steal a resource token. Example: The blue player makes a 2:1 wool trade using a harbor with the Corsair on it. The blue player trades 2 wool resource cards for 1 lumber resources card.  The blue player gives 2 wool resource cards to the bank, and receives 1 lumber resource card in return.  Because the Corsair is controlled by the red player, the red player receives 1 wool resource card from the bank, because it is “stolen” by the Corsair.
    • Guidepost: Once per turn, you may build 2 roads or 2 boats (no bridges) for the cost of 1.
    • Counterfeit: Once per turn, you may trade 2 of the same resource cards/tokens for 1 resource card of another type.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Pharos Lighthouse: Based on the Pharos of Alexandria—Fire by night and clouds of smoke by day made this lighthouse viewable for miles around. It allowed faster travel and deterred would-be pirates and robbers. The Lighthouse is not on water. It is on a land hex next to water, with a harbor. If the robber blocks that land hex, this Wonder cannot be upgraded.

    • Guidepost: Once per turn, you may build 2 roads or 2 boats (no bridges) for the cost of 1.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Searchlight: This ability makes you immune to all effects of the robber. No player can steal from you, and your hexes will continue to produce resources.  You must still discard on a “7.”
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Great Pyramids: Based on the Great Pyramids of Giza—The king of the Wonders—more mysterious than practical. Gather your lumber and brick for the outside, and use your tools to shape the inside. Finally, stock it with food and livestock for the journey to the afterlife.

    • Tenacity: This ability protects you from the Robber. The Robber (in any of its capacities) cannot block the abilities of your Wonders.
    • Abundance: This ability allows you to hold up to 4 more resource/commodity cards in your personal supply when a production number of “7” is resolved. This is equivalent to having two Walls on the board.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Counterfeit: Once per turn, you may trade any number of the same resource cards/tokens for the same number of resource cards of a different type.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Shining Palace, Version 1: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly authoritative abilities.  It feels grand to be able to decide whether people have to throw away half of their cards, or whether they get to keep Marianne or not.

    • Revise: Once per turn, if a Production Number of 7 is rolled, you may instead draw a Favor Token. It only refers to the production roll, not rolls caused by other abilities.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Better Bargain: Once per turn, you may exchange a Helper that you have used at least once (“B” side up) with one in another player’s possession. That player then chooses a new Helper from the display beside the board. The player whose helper you take can choose to take yours, as it should be in the stock at the point of choosing.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 3 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Lost Ruins: Based on Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico.  The first wonder we ever made.  It felt good to finally make use of the swamp hex.  And it just seemed natural to make it into a gold-producing field through Gold Rush. The way we determine a number is by putting one of each number token in a bowl and drawing at random.  Each board we play usually has 2-3 swamp hexes. I’ve finished this wonder several times, and have never regretted it.

    • Panning: This ability allows you to receive one additional gold when building along a river hex.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Gold Rush: Even though numbers are put on every swamp hex, other players can’t build and gain gold from them. This ability only gives the wonder’s owner that opportunity.  The robber cannot stop this gold production, as gold isn’t a resource.  If playing with factories, they would produce swamp gold separately.  Example: You have 2 cities on a swamp hex, each with a factory.  You’ll collect 8 gold every time the swamp’s number rolls.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Roaming Statues: Based on the Easter Island moai, Chile. A wonder that heavily rewards eager explorers.  Despite its illustration, it doesn’t require a city on a single-tiled island.  Any island different from the starting one(s) will do.  Around the World (a.k.a. Magellan’s Fleet) is super fun and can trigger some hilariously clever gameplay situations, especially with the ships from Explorers & Pirates. 

    Invasion, if used correctly, is potentially game-winning.  Remember, though, you only have four cities in stock.

    • Mobility: Up to twice per tur, this ability allows you to pay 1 resource card or token to relocate an extra boat that is on the end of an “open” trade route. A “closed” trade route is one that connects two of your buildings.
    • Around the World: This ability allows your ships to jump from the western border of the game board map to the equivalent hex on the eastern border, and vice versa. The same applies when traveling north-south.  In short, the world becomes round for your ships, instead of flat.
    • Invasion: Once per turn, you may pay 3 grain and 3 ore to purchase a village without first building a community.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Sculptured Grotto: Based on Emperor Tiberius’ grotto at Sperlonga, Italy.  Despite being the only wonder to allow a prerequisite of harbor settlement, this wonder doesn’t see play too often; but when it does, it dominates.  The Safe Haven ability is extremely powerful, especially on a first turn swing.  And although Demotion doesn’t give you any added resources, it provides the player with invaluable peace of mind.

    • Safe Haven: This ability is a one-time event. It allows you to move an unused harbor to a coastal path adjacent to this wonder’s city. An “unused” harbor is one not occupied by settlements or cities.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider
    • Vanquish: This ability makes you immune to all the effects of the Black Pirate Ship (or Privateer). Nobody can steal from you; you do not pay tributes, etc.  Other players can still chase away your pirate with battle-ready ships.
    • Demotion: If a player attempts to seize one of your Stage II or Stage III Wonders using 3 Knight Cards, you may prevent this by demoting that Wonder to Stage I. A Stage I wonder can’t be demoted, and therefore can’t be protected.  The opponent loses all 3 Knight Cards to the discard pile.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • Cliff City, Version 1: Based on Petra, Jordan.  A hard-hitting, late-game wonder that rarely, if ever, gets seized.  Excavator is one of the best first-stage abilities in the game.  Any two resources for three gold is just too good to pass up, and twice per turn to boot!  Tack and Jibe, however, is this wonder’s main attraction.  It can really give you a stranglehold on valuable oceanic cargo, if you get around to building it.

    • Excavator: Up to twice per turn, this ability allows you to trade in 3 gold for any two resource cards. This is like purchasing two resource cards for 4 gold, but better.
    • Marauder: This ability allows your pirate to steal one resource card from each player who has a ship or boat adjacent to the hex your pirate is in. You may end up stealing multiple resources from the same player.
    • Tack and Jibe: This ability allows your ships to gain +2 movement points.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Raised Village: Based on Macchu Picchu, Peru.  A very solid wonder with three excellent abilities.  Don’t underestimate the power of Pity, with the potential of giving you favor tokens from other players’ rolls.  And you can use them on your very next turn!  Venture is such a convenient little tool, and Maritime Trade quickly became a fan favorite among our group. Swapping cargo makes everyone jealous.  I have seen several players win from finishing this wonder early.

    • Pity: During each player’s Phase of Resolving the Event Card Production Number, if you receive no resources (except a “7”), you may receive a Favor Token, as usual. However, if the Production Number is a “7,” you may publicly choose any 3 numbers between 1 and 6, then roll one die.  If you roll one of the numbers you chose, you may draw 1 Favor Token.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Venture: This ability allows you to purchase 1 Crew for 5 fish during the Trade and Purchase Phase of your turn. You may also use this ability during Phase 15: Resolve Special Purchases.
    • Maritime Trade: This ability allows your adjacent ships to exchange cargo without being near a Mill or Sea Port building. This allows cargo to be moved twice as far each Phase __: Move Ships.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • Seaside Sanctuary: Based on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece.  This is probably the wonder we’ve tested the least, but we felt it was good enough to be a part of the launch.  Galleon is just plain awesome, and if you put the fish hauls sideways, they actually do fit!  The other two abilities are sort of hit or miss.  If other players don’t prioritize ocean travel, Stages II and III won’t bring much to the table.  However, if every player hits the sea, they’re golden, especially Swift Winds.

    • Galleon: This ability allows each of your ships to carry two fish hauls at the same time. The fish hauls may be turned vertical when placed onboard.
    • Trawler: When a player rolls for fish, this ability allows any of your buildings on a fish shoal collect fish tokens for the number rolled UNCLEAR.
    • Swift Winds: This ability lets your ships travel on paths with any player’s ships or boats, without using any movement points (or paying a toll?).
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • Temple of Tranquility: Based on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece.  This is probably the wonder we’ve tested the least, but we felt it was good enough to be a part of the launch.  Galleon is just plain awesome, and if you put the fish hauls sideways, they actually do fit!  The other two abilities are sort of hit or miss.  If other players don’t prioritize ocean travel, Stages II and III won’t bring much to the table.  However, if every player hits the sea, they’re golden, especially Swift Winds.

    • Bribery: Once per turn, this ability allows you to pay 1 gold before or after the top Event Card is drawn and the Production Number is resolved to remove the robber/pirate from the board. The next player who resolves a Production Number of “7” may bring the robber/pirate back.
    • Translocation: Once on your turn, this ability allows you to move an road/boat from one of your “open” trade routes to a legal path adjacent to a river (gold may be gained). You may pay 1 Brick to upgrade to a bridge, if you wish to cross a river.
    • Tax Break: Up to twice per turn, this ability allows you to trade in 1 gold for any 1 resource card.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Shining Palace, Version 2: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Exile: Once per turn, if the Robber is next to one of your buildings, this ability allows you to roll a die. If you roll a “6,” you may remove the Robber from the board.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Subversion: If you move the Robber on your turn, this ability allows you to steal 1 random, unplayed development card from a player with a building next to the Robber’s destination hex.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Standing Stones: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly authoritative abilities.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Wool resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Wool resource card.
    • Astrology: When you buy a Development Card for a stack, draw another from the same stack. Choose one Development Card to keep, and place the other in the Development Card Deck Discard Pile.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Public Bathes: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly authoritative abilities.

    • Appeasement: This ability allows you to discard two resource cards or tokens to keep a Volcano Hex from erupting (do this after the Event Card Production Number has been revealed, but before rolling for lava flow).
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 1 Victory Points Chit, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Provocation: Once per turn, this ability allows you to take a resource card of your choice from the Bank, but only if you have a building adjacent to a Volcano Hex. The Volcano Hex then erupts according to the normal rules, and die must be rolled for lava flow.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Grand Obelisk: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly authoritative abilities.

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Grain resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Grain resource card.
    • Boundary Stone: Once per turn, this ability allows you to place or remove a boundary stone at any open intersection on your network. No one can build (or move) on or over that intersection.  The stone does not break the “Longest Trade Route” Award.  Only one boundary Stone may be in play. REDEFINE Investigate Wonder Power: Boundary Stone.  Brainstorm ideas for which piece would work.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Ruler’s Gate: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Glorious Colonnade: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Tenacity: This ability protects you from the Robber. The Robber (in any of its capacities) cannot block the abilities of your Wonders.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 2 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
    • Resilience: Once per player turn (even the turns of other players), this ability allows you to replace a resource card that has been stolen from you with the resource card of your choice from the bank. If a commodity card has been stolen from you, you may replace it with the commodity card of your choice from the bank.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Flooded Steps: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Ore resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Ore resource card.
    • Irrigation: This ability allows you to treat each Mountain Hex (that normally produces ore) as a Field Hex during resource production. This does not effect other players’ production (they still harvest ore).  If you choose to use this ability during a harvest, you may not harvest Mountain Hex commodity of coin.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Cliff City, Version 2: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Trade Route: Once per turn, this ability allows you to force a player to choose a card from their personal supply and trade it for a card from your personal supply. Neither player is required to reveal the card they are trading away.
    • Storehouse: Once per turn, this ability allows you to trade your entire personal supply of resource cards to the Bank for the same number of cards of a specific resource type. You may not use this ability for commodity cards.
    • Stonecraft: This ability allows you to purchase cities for 5 ore resource cards or tokens.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 4 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Ominous Temple: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Lumber resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Lumber resource card.
    • Harvest Festival: Once per turn, if the Robber is next to one of your buildings, this ability allows you to roll a die. On a 3, 4, 5, or 6, you may remove the Robber from the board and draw a resource corresponding to the hex the Robber was previously on.  The next player to move the Robber may move the Robber back onto the board.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Magnificent Arena, Version 1: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Brick resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Brick resource card.
    • Bread and Circuses: Once per turn, if the Robber is next to one of your Buildings, this ability allows you to pay one Grain to remove the Robber from the board. The next player to move the Robber may move the Robber back onto the board.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Magnificent Arena, Version 2: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • 3:1: Just like a 2:1 Harbor, this ability allows you to trade 3 Brick resource cards or tokens for 1 resource card of your choice, multiple times per turn.
    • Reverse 2:1: This ability allows you to trade 2 of any same resource cards or tokens for 1 Brick resource card.
    • Bread and Circuses: Once per turn, if the Robber is next to one of your Buildings, this ability allows you to pay one Grain to remove the Robber from the board. The next player to move the Robber may move the Robber back onto the board.
    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Emperor’s Grotto: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown. This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.
  • The Walking Statues: Based on the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.  We toned down the benefits of this wonder, due to the value of already being on a gold field.  With 5 victory points and 2 abilities, we feel it’s quite balanced.  Both Revise and Better Bargain, although not game winning, are highly

    • Trade Route Mobility: Once per turn, this ability allows you to pay 2 Grain to move one of your eligible roads or boats (not bridges) on the free end of an “open” Trade Route to a new position on the board.
    • Settlement Mobility: Once per turn, this ability allows you to pay 3 Grain to move one of your settlements to an eligible position on the board.
    • Town Mobility: Once per turn, this ability allows you to pay 4 Grain to move one of your towns to an eligible position on the board.
    Victory Points: This ability is a one-time event. You receive 5 Victory Points Chits, equal to the number of icons shown.  This ability cannot be blocked by the Raider.



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