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Before you read this articleyou will need to know the following terms and definitions: 

Game(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A standalone version of Settlers of Catan, which can be played right out of the box without making additional purchases. There is only one standalone (base) game of Catan.
Expansion(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural.  An Catan game that cannot be played by itself. It must be used in conjunction with a standalone (base) game. The 5 & 6-player expansions are a good example of this.
Scenario(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A small set of playing pieces and instructions that can be added to normal Catan gameplay. It cannot be played by itself--it must be used in conjunction with a standalone (base) game. The "Oil Springs" scenario is a good example of this.
Variant(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A set of instructions for using the pieces from a Catan game or expansion in a new way. Most variants are fan-generated and require printing and cutting out new pieces.



The road pieces in this game do not represent individual carts and wagons, as the Wagons do (see Step 7 below).  Instead, the road pieces represent a paved “trade route.”  Roads connect your buildings.  You may only build a road on an “interior” path between two land hexes, or a “coastal” path between a land hex and a sea hex.  A road may not be built on a path crossing a river (marked with a dotted line).

Roads provide Victory Points only if your qualify to receive the Longest Trade Route Award card.  Only 1 road may be built on each path.

Barbarians occupy hexes.  You may not build a trade route on a path adjacent to a hex occupied by a barbarian. Roads cost 1 Brick resource card and 1 Lumber resource card.

Example: See Illustration K.  Liam, the white player, would like to build a road.  He may build (place) his road on any of the paths outlined in green.  Each of these paths connect to either Liam’s road or his community, and is not blocked by the blue player’s community (see the path outlined in red).


Helper of Catan: William

Magistrate William is a scholar and author of the famous treatise “The World as a Buildup Strategy Game.” He spares no effort for his university and his studies – occasionally, he may stand up to the waist in the mud to dig for treasures somewhere on Catan.


He likes to lecture his game partners, and he analyzes their behavior based on scientific laws. If William takes something from a game partner, he is only complying with the laws of nature; however, if a game partner takes something from him, it seems to be completely against nature. William is not an easy opponent in the PC game “Catan – Cities & Knights” – he has no preference for a certain strategy but adjusts it completely to his resource income.

Road-Building Assistance: Use this advantage only 1 time during your turn.  When building a road, you may alter the resources required to build that road.  Instead of the usual 1 lumber plus 1 brick, you may substitute either the lumber or the brick with any 1 other resource of your choice (for example, 1 lumber plus 1 wool).  This advantage does not apply to bridges or boats.

Friend of Catan: Olaf

Move a Road or Build it Cheaper: When you use this card’s ability, you immediately receive 1 of the following benefits: When you build a road, you may alter the resources required to build that road.  Instead of the usual 1 lumber plus 1 brick, you may pay only 1 lumber or 1 brick.  Or, you may move a second “open” road to an available location on your network. This advantage does not apply to bridges or boats.

  • You may only use this card’s ability on your own turn (not during other player’s turns or any Special Purchase Phase).
  • You may use this card’s ability more than once per turn. In other words, you may use this card’s ability twice in the same turn.
  • This card’s ability does not apply to bridges or boats. You may not use this card’s ability to move an open boat or build a boat with fewer resources.
  • After using this card’s ability once, flip the card over to its “B” side. After using this card’s ability a second time, place the card in the discard pile.

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