Drawing an Event Card
Before you read this article, you will need to know the following terms and definitions:
Official, Original Catan Event Card(s), Deck A: | Noun. Singular or plural. A playing card used for the board game Catan that replaces the need to roll two dice (one yellow, one red) at the beginning of each player’s turn. Features statistically-correct number sequences and includes special events. |
Unofficial CatanFusion Seasons Event Card(s), Decks B, C, and D | Noun. Singular or plural. A set of playing cards developed for use with the board game Catan. This replaces the need for the official, original Catan Event Card Deck (referred to as Deck A). This features an accurate distribution of red-and-yellow dice roll results, special events linked to seasons, a mechanism for keeping tracking of the passage of time in Catan, and a replacement for rolling the Cities & Knights expansion event die. |
NOTE: If you are using the yellow and red dice instead of any form of Event Cards, ignore the rest of this page. Otherwise, continue reading:
As the game plays out, the weeks roll by and eventually the seasons change. Clear skies can turn to thunderstorms or blizzards in an instant. During some seasons, scientific advancement and trade are favored slightly. At other times, politics takes a small lead. Even the barbarians are wary of the change in the seasons, and double back when the weather is not in their favor!
The players no longer roll the normal yellow and red dice, nor the Cities and Knights white event die.
Normal Rules (Decks B, C, and D):
At this point during a player’s turn, the current player reveals the top card of the Event Card deck and places it next to the game board, where all players can see it.
If a player reveals a "Change in the Weather" card, they discard any previous "Change in the Weather" cards that may be currently in play, and place the new "Change in the Weather" card in front of them. This indicates to which part of future Event Cards players will refer. The player must then draw another Event Card.
If a player reveals a "New Year" card, the following occurs:
- If the game has been set up with one or more decks of Event Cards mixed together and no "Leap Year" card, then they must reset the deck of Event Cards as described in 1.2.6: Event Card Preparation. After resetting the deck of Event Cards, the player must draw another Event Card.
- If the game has been set up with one or more decks of Event Cards mixed together and a "Leap Year" card, then the player must consult with the other players in the game. The players must agree whether to reset the deck of Event Cards or declare a "Leap Year" and finish playing with the Event Cards hidden under the "Leap Year" card. If the majority of players agrees to reset the Event Card deck, they must follow the reset instructions as described in 1.2.6: Event Card Preparation. If the majority of players instead agrees to declare a "Leap Year," they continue drawing Event Cards normally until all of the Event Cards have been drawn. At that point, the Event Card deck is reset as described in 1.2.6: Event Card Preparation.
- If the game has been set up with two or more decks of Event Cards set up in separate stacks, they player discards the "New Year" card and draws a new card from the top of the next deck of Event Cards.
If a player reveals a "Leap Year" card, they discard it immediately and continue drawing Event Cards normally until all of the Event Cards have been drawn. At that point, the Event Card deck is reset as described in 1.2.6: Event Card Preparation.
Optional Rules (Decks B, C, and D):
If the current player is the one with the deck of "Change in the Weather" cards, then they must first slide the top card of the "Change in the Weather" stack underneath the deck, revealing the next "Change in the Weather" card. Now, they may draw an Event Card. This process of changing the current season once every round continues until the end of the game. NOTE: If preferred, the player who holds the deck of "Change in the Weather" cards may pass the deck to the next player to the left or the right after starting a new season. This can shorten or lengthen the seasons, as well as give every player a chance to start a new season.
Official, Original Event Cards Rules (Deck A):-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Every man is the architect of his own fortune”—this proverb is also true in Catan. Pick up the dice and challenge fortune each time anew! Of course, sometimes one will be at odds with the forces controlling fate, when one’s own numbers won’t come up and fortune only smiles on the other players.
But now, it seems that so-called “scientists” have succeeded in making “fortune” a more calculable affair—by applying statistical methods. And it actually seems to work! Although, from what one hears, the use of mathematics also has unpleasant consequences: it is no longer possible to excuse one’s own defeat by saying that one’s numbers didn’t come up…
These cards replace the dice production roll! On your turn, you don’t roll the dice: instead, you turn the top of the event card deck face up. The number in the upper right corner of the card is the “roll.” It determines which terrain hexes produce resources (if any). That face-up card may also trigger a particular event. There are a total of 11 different events, and almost half of the cards have events. The statistically correct distribution of the numbers on the cards reduces the randomness produced by dice rolls. However, in exchange, the events inject new elements of chance into the game—thus producing a slightly different ambiance.
Note: Each time the deck is prepared, 5 cards are excluded from play until the next time the deck is prepared. This creates some uncertainty to the final rolls as the deck runs out. If having a perfect dice distribution is more important to you (as it is to me), feel free to play through all 36 cards without the New Year card, and simply reshuffle when all cards have been used!
Robber Attacks! (6x, Production Number “7”)
- Each player with more than 7 cards must discard half (rounded down).
- Move the Robber. Draw 1 random resource/commodity card from any 1 player with a building next to the Robber’s new hex.
- The player whose turn it is may draw one random Resource Card from a player of his choice. In addition, each player who has more than 7 Resource Cards must select half (rounded down) of his Resource Cards and return them to the bank.
Epidemic (2x, Production Numbers “6” and “8”)
- Each player receives only 1 resource for each of his buildings that produces this turn. You may not draw a resource token, a commodity card, or a commodity token.
Earthquake (1x, Production Number “6”)
- Each player turns 1 (maximum) of his trade routes sideways (at a 90 degree angle). Each player may choose which trade route to turn sideways. You may not construct new trade routes (roads, boats, or bridges) until your turned road is repaired. The repairs cost the same as the original construction costs (1 lumber and 1 brick for road, etc.). Trade routes turned sideways are still counted towards the “Longest Trade Route” award. You may not construct a building adjacent to a damaged trade route.
- Wagons moving over a damaged Trade Route (sideways) require the same number of Movement Points (2 MPs) as if the trade route did not exist. Wagons do not pay a toll to pass over a sideways Trade Route.
- It requires 2 movement points (2 MPs) to move your wagon along a road that is turned sideways—the same as is required to move along a path without a road.
- If an earthquake damages a “closed” trade route connecting a round knight to a player’s building, the knight is still considered “connected” to the building. However, the round knight may not move over the damaged section of trade route until it is repaired.
Good Neighbors (1x, Production Number “6”)
- Each player gives the player to his left 1 resource or commodity card of the giver’s choice (if he has one). You must give a commodity if that’s all you have in your personal supply.
Tournament (1x, Production Number “5”)
- The player(s) with the “Largest Army” Award Tile (if not claimed, the player(s) with the most Military Strength on the board; only active knights and revealed Knight cards count) takes 1 resource of his choice from the bank. You may not take a commodity card.
Trade Advantage (1x, Production Number “5”)
- The player with the “Longest Trade Route” Award Tile (if not claimed, the single player with the longest trade route so far, or with more trade routes (even branched ones) than any other player) may randomly take 1 resource card from any player. You may not take a commodity, development, or progress card. If there is a tie for number of trade routes, ignore this event.
Calm Sea (2x, Production Numbers “9” and “12”)
- The player with the “Harbormaster” Award Tile (if not claimed, the player(s) with the most harbor points) receives 1 resource card of his choice from the bank. You may not take a commodity card. If there is a tie for number of harbor points, ignore this event.
Robber Flees (2x, Production Numbers “4”)
- The Robber returns to an unoccupied hex (desert, if possible). Do not draw a card from any player.
Neighborly Assistance (2x, Production Numbers “10” and “11”)
- The player with the “Richest Settler” Award Tile (if not claimed, the player(s) with the most Victory Point Chits in front of them) gives each player with fewer Victory Points 1 resource card of his choice (you may also give resource tokens) If you don’t have enough resources (cards or tokens) to give each eligible player 1 resource card, you must give commodities (cards first, then tokens). If you don’t have enough resources or commodities, you give nothing.
Conflict (1x, Production Number “3”)
- The player(s) with the “Largest Army” Award Tile (if not claimed, the single player with the most Military Strength on the board; only active knights and revealed Knight cards count) may randomly take 1 resource card from any player. You may not take a commodity, development, or proess card. If there is a tie for Military Strength, ignore this event.
- If one player alone owns the most knights on the board, he takes a random resource card from a player of his choice.
Plentiful Year (1x, Production Number “2”)
- Each player may take 1 resource card of his or her choice. You may not take a commodity card.
- Can be used to take oil from the bank.
Cards Without Events (Production Numbers “3,” “4,” 2x “5,” 2x “6,” 4x “8,” 3x “9,” 2x “10,” “11”)
- The settlers labor. Catan prospers!
New Year (No production number)
- Shuffle all the event cards (except this card).
- Put 5 event cards face down and place this card on top of those 5.
- Place the remaining 31 event cards face down on top of this card to form a new draw pile.
- Draw the top card to begin the turn.
Improved Event Cards:
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