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Before you read this articleyou will need to know the following terms and definitions: 

Event Die: Noun. Singular.  The four white squares printed on each Event Card, representative of the six-sided die that would otherwise be thrown.  Each white square has one of four images printed on it: black ship, yellow city gate, blue city gate, or green city gate.
Ocean: Noun. Singular.  Also called “Sea.” A body of water that touches the outside sea frame pieces: landlocked water tiles or lakes don’t count.
Scenario(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A small set of playing pieces and instructions that can be added to normal Catan gameplay. It cannot be played by itself--it must be used in conjunction with a standalone (base) game. The "Oil Springs" scenario is a good example of this.
Variant(-s): Noun. Singular or Plural. A set of instructions for using the pieces from a Catan game or expansion in a new way. Most variants are fan-generated and require printing and cutting out new pieces.


Interpreting the Event Die

The current player consults the Event Die (whether thrown or printed on the current Event Card), as follows:

  • If printed on the current Event Card, the current player must consult only the Event Die paired with the current season, which is determined by the "Change in the Weather" card currently placed face-up in front of a player.
  • If the Event Die has instead been thrown, the current player must consult only the side of the Event Die facing directly upwards. The current player then declares the result of the Red Die to all of the players.

 There are four possible outcomes of the Event Die:

  1. If the Event Die shows a Green City Gate, players may be eligible to draw progress cards based on the Red Die result, as explained below.  Players do not purchase progress cards like development cards.
  2. If the Event Die shows a Blue City Gate, players may be eligible to draw progress cards based on the Red Die result, as explained below.  Players do not purchase progress cards like development cards.
  3. If the Event Die shows a Yellow City Gate, players may be eligible to draw progress cards based on the Red Die result, as explained below.  Players do not purchase progress cards like development cards.
  4. If the Event Die shows a Black Warship, players must not draw progress cards AT ALL. Instead, they must advance the Barbarian Attack Token, as described in Advance Barbarian Attack Token.

DELETE? -- In addition, Weather and Holiday cards have a corresponding action connected to each season.  In this example, if the season is Autumn, there is a Harvest Moon. Each player may immediately draw one grain if they wish.

Acquiring Progress Cards

If one of the three city gate symbols is showing, then all players may be eligible to draw a progress card. 

To be able to draw a Progress Card:

  • You must possess at least one level of building improvement in one or more areas of development on your flipchart. The first level of improvement displays two red dice, the second level displays three, and so on.
  • The event die, as shown in the corresponding Season section of each Event Card, must show the city gate symbol whose color matches the color of one of your building improvements.
  • The number on the Event Card’s red die must match one of the red dice displayed on your building improvement section whose color matches the city gate on the symbol die. In other words, in order to draw a Progress Card, you must be able to match the number shown on the Event Card’s red die with one of the red die icons showing on your flipchart in the section that matches the color of the city gate shown on the Event Card’s Season section.

Example: See Illustration F.  The event die shows a yellow gate, and the red die shows the number “1.”  All the players who have purchased at least the first level yellow building improvement (the market) are eligible to draw a yellow progress card (Trade).

If these three conditions are met (even on someone else’s turn), you may draw the top card from the Progress Card stack that matches the color of the city gate on the event die.  If more than one player is allowed to draw on the same turn, then each eligible player draws in turn order, beginning with the player whose turn it currently is, and continuing clockwise. Each eligible player draws the topmost, face-down card from the progress card stack that matches the color of the city gate showing on the Event Card Event Die.

Keep your progress cards secret from your opponents until you play them.  You may never have more than 4 progress cards in your personal supply (see “Progress Cards” below).

Example: Player A draws an Event Card and resolves a Production Number of “6.”  The Event Card shows a “3” on the red die, and the yellow city gate symbol is showing in the matching Season section of the card.  Player B has already built two building improvements: a town hall (Politics—blue) and a merchant guild (Trade—yellow).  Since player B’s yellow improvement shows a red die with “3,” player B may draw a yellow Progress Card (Trade).

Progress Cards

  • Progress cards are obtained as they are in Cities and Knights. However, whenever players draw any Progress card, they are given the option to draw a Traders & Barbarians Development card, instead of the Progress Card.
  • You may never hold more than 4 Progress Cards in your personal supply at once, regardless of the color type. If you draw a 5th card on your turn, you must play or discard one card by the end of your turn. If you draw a 5th card when it is not your turn, you must discard one card (of your choice) to the bottom of the appropriate stack, without playing it.
  • Both Progress and Development cards may be played during the same turn they are acquired, and multiple cards may be played each turn. The current player may play as many progress cards as they wish.
  • With the exception of Alchemist, Constitution, and Printer, Progress Cards may be played at any time during Phases ___-____ of a player’s turn.
  • Progress Cards may never be traded with other players, nor may the Robber steal them.
  • When you play a Progress Card, place it face-down under the appropriate Progress Card stack. Victory Point cards, however, remain face-up in front of you and in play.


Summary of Phase 5

In short, if a castle is shown, progress cards may be drawn.  If a black ship is shown on the Event Die, a Barbarian is placed on the Board, and the Barbarian Advancement Token is moved one additional space forward on the Barbarian Advancement Board.  If the Barbarian Advancement Token reaches the end of its track during this part of a player’s turn, a Full Barbarian Invasion occurs (see below).  If special actions are printed next to each season, follow the action before resolving the effects of the Event Die.

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